For many years, ADC has endeavored to provide high-quality, low-cost software. Among the vast array of software available for IBM and compatible computers, Shareware software has consistently been a leader in delivering true value to the consumer. Therefore, in addition to the software published and distributed by ADC, the SOFTWAREVAULT BBS has always offered the best selections from the Shareware available. Now, ADC has gone a step further to ensure that the consumer can obtain the greatest number of quality programs for the lowest cost, by publishing the SOFTWAREVAULT CD-ROM Library. Along with this new offering from ADC, the ADC BBS has changed its name to the SOFTWAREVAULT BBS to emphasize the enormous library of Shareware programs available over the telephone by modem. However, for those who want to acquire a very large library of programs quickly, the CD-ROM Library is the best and most cost- effective method. ADC has very carefully chosen programs from top authors to create one of the world's largest collections of Shareware and public-domain software. Shareware is a "try-before-you-buy" method of selling software. In the beginning, Shareware was purchased directly from the author. The authors were able to avoid the cost of marketing through normal retail channels and the consumer was able to obtain great bargains. One drawback, however, was the limited information available to the public about what software was available. Distributing Shareware software through computer bulletin boards was the very logical solution that soon became standard procedure for all Shareware authors. By allowing programs to be copied from bulletin boards and shared with few restrictions, Shareware is able to reach a much greater number of users. The SOFTWAREVAULT BBS is one of the better bulletin boards bringing shareware to the consumer. We maintain a good working relationship with the authors and afford them the chance to present their software in an electronic marketplace at a greatly reduced cost. The distribution of Shareware software by CD-ROM is the next logical progression. It is like downloading thousands of programs from the BBS at once. The same Shareware rules and requirements apply, of course, but you receive so many programs at one time that you can instantly build an impressive software library. ADC pays a great deal of attention to all of the software it distributes. All programs uploaded to our BBS are carefully tested and reviewed to ensure performance and to detect the presence of a virus. The software is copied to high quality streaming tapes and our CD-ROM discs are produced using state-of-the-art technology. And, of course, our technical staff is available to help with any questions you might have. From our beginning, ADC has recognized that the consumer is the very most important link in the chain of successful distribution. The success of ADC in distributing all of the software it carries has depended upon listening to, and understanding, the needs of our clients, and providing solutions when they are needed. The same is true for our CD-ROM Library. We want to hear from you and learn what can be improved in the future. Feel free to use all of the means of communicating with us for this purpose, including leaving messages for us on our BBS. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: We welcome your comments and suggestions for future SOFTWAREVAULT Collections. You can contact us at: AMERCIAN DATABANKERS CORPORATION 5220 East 69th Place Tulsa, OK 74136-3407 USA (800) 775-4232 in the USA and Canada (918) 497-1201 internationally ******************************************************************* Shareware and the Association of Shareware Professionals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (tm) Association of Shareware o Professionals The shareware concept makes it possible for you to obtain extremely powerful software at a price you can afford, and it gives you the opportunity to try the software before you register. The Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP), is an organization formed to strengthen the future of shareware. Its members, all of whom are programmers that subscribe to a code of ethics, are committed to the concept of shareware as a method of marketing. The ASP sets standards for its members and their shareware products which provide (among other things) that programs produced by ASP members must be fully documented, non-crippled, and offered with at least a minimum level of support. It also sets the standards for shareware disk vendors and provides information to the public about shareware. Shareware software is a unique marketing approach which allows consumers to purchase software directly from the author. This eliminates costly marketing, promotion, and packaging; allowing consumers to obtain quality software at a fraction of the commercial cost. Shareware authors allow their programs to be copied and distributed with few restrictions. Shareware users are encouraged to examine a program, copy it, and pass it on to friends. If users find the software program useful, they are asked to register with the software author. This usually means paying a registration fee directly to the shareware author. In return for this registration fee, "registered users" receive the right to continue to use the software and added benefits such as full documentation, technical support, and future updates of the program. Registration is the key to success for the shareware concept. If you try a program and it does not meet your needs, you are not expected to register. However, if you try a program, like it, and continue to use it, you should compensate the author with a registration fee. Registration also insures further development of the program. Shareware is the "try-before-you-buy" method of software distribution that will literally save you hundreds of dollars on software purchases. American Databankers Corporation, distributor of The SoftwareVault, is an approved vendor and associate member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon MI 49422-9427 or send a CompuServe Mail message to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536 or FAX 616-788-2765. ******************************************************************* The SOFTWAREVAULT Collection 2 COPYRIGHT NOTICE: 1. Copyright 1993 by American Databankers Corporation. All rights reserved. American Databankers Corporation's copyright covers the research, editing, organization and compilation of the CD ROM, and also any individual programs or descriptive materials which are the original creation of American Databankers Corporation. Unless otherwise specified, the American Databankers Corporation does not claim literary rights to individual programs which have been licensed for use by others. 2. American Databankers Corporation expects everyone to respect the author's copyright notices as well as all terms of licenses. Users MAY NOT download files or programs with the intent to sell a copy. BBS operators and users may download or copy files or programs from The SOFTWAREVAULT CD-ROM Library providing that no charge is made for copies and all copyrights and license terms are respected. NETWORK (LAN) SYSTEM NOTICE: 1. The number of network systems is large and there can be significant differences between the hardware and software specifications of each. Therefore, American Databankers Corporation does not guarantee the compatibility of The SOFTWAREVAULT Collection on CD-ROM with any particular network system. ******************************************************************* Register your favorite shareware programs directly with the author of the shareware program. These authors work many long hours to produce and test these programs that are on the SOFTWAREvault CD-ROM. They have earned the right to be paid for their efforts by the sweat of their brow. The registration price for a shareware is usually very small ($5.00 - $85.00 US). Registering a program brings with it additional benefits. In most cases, you will get the latest version of the program and a printed manual. Most shareware programs are constantly being improved so when you register, there is a good chance that you will get a newer version the one you are registering for. You will also be eligible for technical support (usually by phone, letter or CompuServe). The registered version will also be free of any trailers or opening (nag) screens on it, telling you to register. If you register a program from outside of the USA, you should mail the author a US-draft or a bank check in US-Dollars. If the author accepts Visa or Mastercard, you can simply give your Visa / Mastercard number and expiration date. The usual period of time for evaluation of a program before registering is about 30 days. ******************************************************************* Limited Warranty and Disclaimer American Databankers Corporation warrants that its CD-ROM disk media are free from defects for 90 days and will replace any defective media within that time period upon receipt of such defective media, postage prepaid. American Databankers Corporation disclaims all other warranties relating to this software, whether express, implied, statutory or in any communication with you, and specifically disclaims any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use. American Databankers Corporation does not warrant that the operation of this software will be uninterrupted or error-free. Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Limitation of Liability In no event will American Databankers Corporation be liable for any damages. Including: loss of data, lost profits, cost of cover or other special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages arising from the use or attempted use of this software or accompanying documentation, however caused and on any theory of liability. This limitation will apply even if American Databankers Corporation has been advised of the possibility of such damage. Under no circumstances shall the liability of American Databankers Corporation exceed the actual amount paid to and received by American Databankers Corporation in connection with the particular copy of the software in question. Some states do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of Oklahoma without regard to the choice of law rules of such state. NETWORK (LAN) SYSTEM NOTICE: The number of network systems is large and there can be significant differences between the hardware and software specifications of each. Therefore, American Databankers Corporation does not guarantee the compatibility of The SOFTWAREVAULT Collection on CD-ROM with any particular network system. ******************************************************************* All files on The SoftwareVault Collection CD-ROM's are tested for viruses, using the internationally recognized standard anti-virus utility, ViruScan, from McAfee Associates. Millions of computer users and over 16,000 corporations have made the McAfee anti-viral utilities their choice for virus protection. ViruScan's advanced detection technology, including pattern-matching, algorithmic scanning, and validation code checking, can find even the most challenging mutating and encrypting (polymorphic) viruses. It consistently finds known and unknown viruses and their variants, without the "false-alarms" that have become commonplace with some less-sophisticated virus checkers. In the Virus Detection and Protection Category on this CD-ROM, you will find the complete suite of McAfee anti-virus products; ViruScan, the virus detector you run from the command-line; Clean-Up, the virus remover and disinfector; VShield, the Terminate-And-Stay-Resident (TSR) infection preventer; NetShield, the Netware-Loadable-Module (NLM) version of ViruScan. For further information, or to register your copy of a McAfee anti-viral product, contact: McAfee Associates, Inc. 2710 Walsh Ave, Suite 200 Santa Clara, CA 95051 (408) 988-3832 (Voice) (408) 970-9727 (FAX) (408) 988-4004 (BBS) ******************************************************************* American Databankers Corporation is principally a software publisher. We design, publish and directly support a line of proprietary software in several categories. Our software products range from a menu and utilities package specifically created for the novice to average user to very sophisticated industrial products created for use by other programmers to solve specific problems. We design and write utilities, installation programs and multilingual procedures for publishers of software in the United States and in several foreign countries. We also manufacture and distribute The SOFTWAREVAULT collection of CD-ROM Software. Our collection of CD-ROM Software is unique because of the very large number of programs, serveral thousands, and because no program is duplicated in more than one collection of programs. In addition, we provide you with a free copy of The Librarian, a complete database of all of the files on the CD. You may search on any subject and when you select a program, the Librarian will create the necessary directories (if you ask it to), copy the program from the CD-ROM and unpack the programs and files for you. The Librarian can also create directory listing text files for any BBS, or export information to a file in any one of several different word processing formats, and filter or search by any subject. The Collection - hundreds of megabytes of fantastic shareware programs. Many of which are better than commercial programs. The single most significant distinguishing feature of American Databankers is the depth of knowledge we maintain for all of the software we carry. When you telephone our technical support staff, you speak with an experienced programmer who is familiar not only with our products, but also with all facets of the complex problems which beset the industry. We stand behind every program we carry and we value every one of our customers. We provide genuine help when you need it and we offer the same high quality of service to end-users, dealers, programmers, distributors and OEMs. We maintain a 24-hour Bulletin Board with separate conferences for each of our products. In addition to the free software which is available on the Bulletin Board, information is exchanged by programmers, dealers and VARs and the Bulletin Board may also be used to send us a technical inquiry, request assistance with a special problem or ask for technical support. Our products may also be ordered by credit card on the Bulletin Board at any time of the day or night on our BBS, or by phone during business hours. When you buy, resell or distribute American Databanker's products, you also receive the knowledge and experience necessary to ensure satisfaction and performance. Shareware Authors that wish to have their software approved for any of our SOFTWAREVAULT Collections should send complete copies of their programs (uncrippled and as you want them to appear) to: AUTHOR SUBMISSIONS American Databankers Corporation 5220 East 69th Place Tulsa, OK 74136-3407 ******************************************************************* American Databankers Corporation offers the SOFTWAREVAULT BBS free to end-users, licensees, OEMs, dealers and distributors of ADC products. The BBS has several nodes and is available 24 hours per day, every day of the year. Phone Number: (918) 497-1200 Modem Communication Parameters: 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit Baud Rates supported: 1200/14400 baud ALL BBS USERS: When dialing into the BBS for the first time, please answer ALL of the questions on the NEW USER QUESTIONNAIRE. We ask for basic information such as company name, your name, address, work phone number, home phone number, the password you would like to have, and if you own any ADC products. We cannot grant BBS access without this basic information. If you wish immediate access for downloads, you can request immediate call-back verification. BBS USERS WHO BOUGHT DIRECTLY FROM US: We also require the serial number of your ADC product. Please have this information handy before dialing into the BBS and filling out the questionnaire. The BBS Operators must have the serial number(s) of your product(s) to determine what download security clearance to give you. BBS USERS WHO PURCHASED FROM A DEALER: Download security for end-users who purchased product from a dealer is determined from the end-user registration card. Please be sure to mail your card to American Databankers Corporation if you want to access more than the Main Board Conference on the BBS. ALL END-USERS: All end-users, regardless of where they purchased the product, should send in their registration cards. CONFERENCES: You will be able to join particular conferences based upon whether you are a dealer or an end-user, and what products you own. Every user can access the Main Board Conference, where messages and questions for the BBS operators can be left. There is also a Dealers and Distributors Conference as well as special conferences for our products such as SNAP and the SOFTWAREVAULT Collections of CD-ROMs. ******************************************************************* 1 - Hottest Current Software Hits 21 11,413,090 2 - Business Applications 94 16,081,397 3 - Wordprocessing Programs and Utilities 51 4,299,467 4 - Desktop Publishing and Fonts 299 15,328,593 5 - Windows Applications 352 35,743,687 6 - Windows Games, BMP and WAV 317 20,738,040 7 - Spreadsheets and Utilities 28 2,461,978 8 - Database Programs and Utilities 88 12,338,483 9 - Home and Family Computing 95 14,260,978 10 - Text Editors and Utilities 92 9,217,815 11 - Text and Reference Material 429 19,386,155 12 - Lists and Information Files 390 15,344,705 13 - Health Programs and Food Recipes 47 4,512,855 14 - Games and Humor 535 49,980,184 15 - Graphics and Paint Programs 121 17,947,178 16 - GIF and Other Pictures 220 16,108,520 17 - Math and Science Programs 82 8,633,001 18 - Communications Programs 137 13,128,624 19 - Religious Programs and Materials 63 7,783,788 20 - Educational Programs 205 29,871,878 21 - CAD, CAM and Engineering Programs 34 5,016,526 22 - Operating System Utilities 165 10,742,083 23 - Hard Disk Utilities 74 4,729,927 24 - Floppy Disk Utilities 34 1,877,250 25 - OS/2, Program Manager and Utilities 112 8,430,006 26 - DOS / Unix Utilities and Help 59 4,129,349 27 - Printer Drivers and Utilities 85 6,703,931 28 - Novell, LANtastic and other Networks 64 4,748,362 29 - Keyboard, Mouse and I/O Utilities 21 1,094,355 30 - Screen Drivers and Utilities 48 3,205,353 31 - File Archiving Utilities 68 5,644,698 32 - Virus Detection and Protection 30 3,705,752 33 - Personal System Utilities 149 14,076,129 34 - Program Demonstrations 38 6,450,256 35 - BBS Programs and Applications 279 23,467,124 36 - BBS Doors and Utilities 191 22,533,640 37 - Modem Utilities and Helps 11 331,449 38 - Special Shareware Programs 53 10,287,907 39 - Ham Radio Utilities 21 1,621,820 40 - Clip Art and Images 490 5,978,041 41 - TrackBlaster Files and Utilities 84 6,997,786 42 - SoundBlaster Files and Utilities 29 2,817,898 43 - ADLIB and MIDI files (Yamaha) 58 2,197,358 44 - PC Speaker and Sound Files 4 572,742 45 - Musical Potpourri 14 659,262 46 - Programmers Utilities 28 2,549,641 47 - Assembly Source Code 14 587,521 48 - Pascal and Turbo Pascal Source Code 160 4,793,472 49 - C, MS-C, Turbo-C, and Borland C++ 202 8,150,564 50 - Basic and Quick Basic Source Code 35 3,653,837 51 - DBase Files and Utilities 314 7,052,325 52 - Clipper and Foxbase Utilities 168 5,065,964 53 - Programming Source Code - ADA to Z80 17 776,579 54 - Miscellaneous Goodies 9 1,042,010 55 - Frequently asked Questions 525 7,533,965 56 - Icons, Icon Libraries 135 477,063 *** TOTAL FILE COUNT AND SIZE *** 7,488 524,282,361 ******************************************************************** >>> NEOPAINT <<< Version 2.1 This is the ultimate image editing/paint program for DOS! NeoPaint includes many powerful features until now found only in programs costing hundreds of dollars. NeoPaint reads and writes 2, 16 and 256 color PCX, GIF and TIFF files. It can even convert between differing formats, colors and resolutions. NeoPaint's beautiful graphical interface lets you view and edit multiple images in adjustable on-screen windows with user selectable video modes up to 1024x768x256. Tools include: cut/copy/paste/move, undo, brush, airbrush, eraser, color eraser, flood fill, tile fill, gradient fill, color convert, text, line, bezier line, k-line, rectangle, rounded rectangle, gradient rectangle, ellipse/circle, gradient circle, polygon, freehand polygon, editable polygon, grid, 3D cube, 3D pyramid, magic marker, charcoal pencil, crayon, water color brush, blend tool, smudge tool, clone, color similarity, stamp pad, adjustable snap to grid, solid and transparent patterns, custom patterns, pattern editor, custom palettes, color balance, brightness, contrast, color reduction, invert, flip, rotate, stretch, scale, skew, distort, smudge, blur, pixelize, free screen capture software, and more. Includes 12 fonts in multiple sizes with bold, italic, underline, outline and shadow effects. (Additional fonts are available from OSCS and third party vendors.) Includes drivers for over 300 printers including Epson/IBM compatible dot matrix, HP LaserJet, Postscript and popular color printers. Supports picture scaling and excellent halftones on LaserJet and Postscript printers. Expanded (EMS), extended (XMS) and virtual disk memory can be used for very large images. Requires: Hercules, EGA, VGA or Super VGA; Mouse; Hard Drive; DOS 3.1 or higher. (Super VGA modes require: Tseng, Paradise, Western Digital, Video 7, ATI, Trident or compatible video card and monitor) A special note from us at American Databankers Corporation, this is the one that we use for all our graphics work! It's the best! *** FILES *** NEOPAINT.ZIP Total file space needed = 1,447,355 bytes. ******************************************************************** >>> PROFESSIONAL CAPTURE SYSTEMS <<< Professional Capture Systems is a combination of both Windows and DOS programs that will simplify your screen capturing. The Windows program, WinCapture, allows for the capturing of a defined area, full screen, window, or client area. The capture can be sent to any combination of the clipboard, printer and disk. The capture can be saved using the formats BMP, GIF, PCX, PIC, TGA, TIFF, or WPG. WinCapture requires Windows 3.0 or greater. The DOS program, DosCapture, will allow you to capture standard and extended VGA mode text screens and standard VGA mode graphics screens. The captures are saved to PCX graphics files. DosCapture requires an 80286 or better and a VGA card. *** FILES *** PCS102.ZIP Total disk space needed = 180,596 ******************************************************************** >>> SKYGLOBE <<< SkyGlobe 3.5 is the award-winning desktop planetarium that is fast, fun, and easy to use. A perennial fixture on the Shareware Top Ten, SkyGlobe is the fastest program of its kind available, and it provides a realistic and beautiful display of the splendor of the heavens. You can instantly change your computer view of the cosmos to suit your own tastes, or use one of the many animation modes to simulate celestial motion. Use SkyGlobe to plan a night's viewing, teach yourself about the universe around us, or just to show off the graphics of your computer. SkyGlobe displays 25,000 stars, constellation lines, the planets, Sun, and Moon, the Messier Objects, the Milky Way, and ecliptic, horizon, and RA-Dec grid lines, for any time and date, from over 230 locations around the world. All display settings can be quickly changed with easy hot-key commands, or through the use of the mouse. Zoom in or out in the blink of an eye, or use the handy Turbo mode with Zoom to create a warp-factor-like effect of racing through the stars. The mouse will constantly tell you the locations and names of bright stars and other objects, or use it to re-center the display at any point of interest. Stars, planets, constellations, and Messier Objects can be located through menus. Try the nifty Sidereal Time mode to preview the move- ments of your favorite planet for the coming months. Learn the constellations by turning the lines on and off, and see if you can see the shapes the ancients saw. There is no better or more beautiful way to use your computer to educate yourself or your children about the wonders of the night sky. Now displays SVGA graphic images! *** FILES *** SKYGLO.ZIP Total file space needed = 345,950 bytes. ******************************************************************** >>> PC-FILE <<< Version 6.5 If you can push a button, you can run PC-File 6.5. The controls of this database are graphical and logical. Want to create a new database? Just pull down a menu. Need to print 1,000 labels? Look. Point. Click. Done. Finding a record is as simple as knowing left from right. No other database provides this many features in such a simple-to-use format. If you've ever used a database before, you'll be able to run PC- File the first time you see it. And what will you see? Buttons, scroll bars, pull down menus and dialog boxes. All the simple, visual tools that allow you to take advantage of its powerful features. What makes PC-File so popular? It does just what you want a database to do: store, organize, retrieve, manipulate and update information. Whether it's your mailing list or your membership list. Your clients, customers or contacts. Sales, inventory, expenses, payables and receivables, even your hobby collection....PC-File can keep a record of it. Up to one billion records in all! Relational Retrieve reads data from other databases. Relational Posting updates any number of databases. Search/Query retrieves specific data, browses or even conducts a phonetic "sounds like" search. Duplicate Record Check allows you to list, find and delete duplicate records. Global Update makes changes to all or some of your records. Labels: Print mailing labels, rolodex cards or even quick "snapshot" labels from just one record. Letters: Mail merge from letters, payment notices, personalized product or sales announcements and more. Charts/Graphs: Produce bar charts, line, pie and scatter graphs. Autodialer: Dial any phone number from your database automatically. Custom Reports: Arrange report test and data any way you like. Other powerful features: o Bar Code Printer Support o Macros o Pop-Up Help Screens o Calculator o Password Protection o Full Mouse Support System Requirements: IBM PC, XT, AT or PS/2 or compatible, hard disk, DOS 3.0 or higher and 450K available RAM. Autodialing: Hayes compatible modem and serial port. Graphics: CGA, EGA, VGA or Hercules card. Quotes from Reviews, Articles and Users: ---------------------------------------- PC Week, May 14, 1990 Rated the #1 flat filer by PC Week. "PC-File emerged as the most powerful flat filer." PC-Magazine, June 26, 1990, Editor's Choice Award "I was able to generate reports and graphs within a few minutes after running the program for the first time." "A program you can't do without." "You can be up and running with (it) in a snap...The program easy to use." Computer Shopper, February 1992 "PC-File's easy interface, coupled with its cheap price and powerful features, make it a good choice for small businesses". Home Office Computing, December, 1991, Four Star Rating "Few programs in recent years have offered as much power for the price as PC-File." "Most people will find everything they need in this...PC standard." Byte, October 1991 "A Windows-like interface and better file search and macro capabilities highlight PC-File...a dBase compatible flat-file database." PC-Computing November, 1991 "If you need to design a database quickly and with little fuss but don't need a programming language, PC-File is an excellent choice. It's particularly well suited for beginners and intermediate users because it's easy to use and has online help and good documentation." *** FILES *** PCF65.ZIP Total file space needed = 2,085,969 bytes. ******************************************************************** >>> PERFECT KEYS <<< PerfectKeys is an editing enhancement for WordPerfect 5.0 & 5.1 for DOS. Editing time is saved by using single keystroke commands, reachable from the "home" position, for common WP commands. Many of these would normally require several key strokes or even menu selections. Some of the tasks that are simplified are: curser movement, block/change various amounts of text, transposition, apply styles, select fonts, switch keyboards, and much more. Extensive on line help includes WP manual index. *** FILES *** PERFKEY.ZIP Total file space needed = 177,806 bytes ****************************************************************** >>> SNAP 2.50 <<< SNAP is a complete menu driven hard disk system manager. Effectively managing three important areas of your computer system: software programs, hard disk, and hardware. Responsible management with over 200 powerful features that bring you the versatility of over 100 different programs. With the speed and ease of a one or two keystroke command. SNAP Provides a total operating solution for the beginner. Giving a set of powerful tools to the power user. Preferred by programmers and engineers for its speed and versatility. And utilized by corporations for its efficiency. SNAP excels in Software and program management. The next generation of unlimited, self customizing menus. Menus you create, nested as deep as your hardware will permit. Performing virtually any program execution specific to you. Editing, adding, or deleting menus with ease. Accessing system utilities from any menu, or mixing programs and menus. You categorize your programs however you like, naming them whatever you like. SNAP accomplishes Hard Disk Management through directory and a file or group of files. Quickly and easily. With over 100 hard disk management features to speed you in daily organization and control. Control that's second to none. Simplifying general disk functions through a set of password protected system utilities. Now, you'll be able to copy, delete, uncover, move, rename, format, sort, print, view, edit, tag, untag, encode, or code any file in any directory, on any drive. All this and more. In a lot less time. SNAP provides a complete hardware analysis by displaying a diversity of specific information. Information that's extensive and complete, Floppy disks, hard disks, printers...... your entire system environment. It won't miss a thing. Need flexibility? By using a one or two keystroke command you can set the printer ports, page lengths, column widths, or monitor type. And that's just the beginning. SNAP. Simple, Natural And Powerful. That's what it's all about. *** FILES *** SNAP25D.ZIP Total disk space needed = 801,641 bytes ******************************************************************* >>> SHAZAM II <<< SHAZAM writes Turbo Vision programs in Turbo Pascal. It allows you to create, compile, test and change a complete user interface in minutes, rather than hours. It writes both code and resources, and lets you create multiple sets of MenuBars, MenuBoxes, Hints, StatusLines and Dialogs. You can generate, compile and test in one step, in an environment similar to the Turbo Pascal IDE. Interactive and command-line operation are supported in the same program. Interactive mode has a built-in Text Editor for definition and source-code files, a Help Text "simulation" Editor and a Dialog Editor (*.DLG compatible). The improved Help Compiler allows nested "include" files. Program generation includes Auto-Overlay w/heap recovery & Auto-Resource startup. Generated code requires only the standard Turbo Vision units, with no outside dependencies. In addition, the following Utility Units are included with SHAZAM II: ExecSWAP.PAS - Automatic "Swap-to-Disk or EMS" for EXEC calls. All your programs will use less than 6K of overhead! PRINT.PAS - Easily add printer support to your Turbo Vision programs, with interruptable dialogs. Comes with re-usable Dialogs, Hint Text & Help Text for Printer & Page setup (SETUP included for Generic, Dot-Matrix, LaserJet & DaisyWheel printers). GENERAL.PAS - Over 200k of general purpose code for Turbo Vision! EDITORS.PAS - Enhanced with Text Center, Goto Line, Tabs, Right Margin, Word-wrap & Place Markers. SHAZAM comes with interface models for Quattro Pro, Paradox, Turbo Pascal and Sidekick 2, as well as a set of tutorials and examples; installation requires 2.5 megabytes of disk space. "SHAZAM II", "Instant INSTALL" and "Ye Olde Systeme Editor" were designed, created and are maintained using SHAZAM II (yup, the program wrote itself). *** FILES *** SHAZAM.ZIP Total disk space needed = 801,641 bytes ******************************************************************** >>> RIPaint <<< Create custom screens for use with your RIP BBS. This demo verison of RIPaint is fully fuctional except for save features. This is a full featured painting program that will allow you to create your own custom screens for use in RIP graphical interfaces. Use any of the built-in graphical drawing modes like Line, Circle, Ellipse, Rectangle, Arc, Pie Slice, and more. Contians built in MicroANSI fonts that are completely sizable. This program runs in protected mode allowing you access to ALL of your systems' memory. Direct loading of saving of RIPscrip graphics allows you to make stunning messages for message bases, E-Mail, or use in an online graphical catalog or advertisement. You can even load your message on a system that doesn't support RIPscrip graphics. Multi-level undo system allows you to undo a command even after a save and reload of the picture. Allows simultaneous text and graphics windows. On-Line mouse support, several pre-made scrips and conversion program so you can use your favorite .PCX, .IMG, .TIF, or MacPaint files. Microsoft Windows compatible, but not required. *** FILES *** RIPAINT.ZIP Total disk space needed = 1,414,231 ******************************************************************* >>> TAKENOTE <<< Version 1.0 Names In A Click File names on TakeNote's pre-designed file cards. Build a card deck and then sort data any way you like - by name, address, any field or sequence. Search for any bit of information anywhere on the card. Or, search an index line or specific fields. Data is just a click away. Point and click with the mouse and you have a person on the phone. Push a button and you have the name on a label. A new version is due by summer. Notes, Long or Short TakeNote lets you take note of all the important details in a snap. You can store notes on your inventory, insurance, clients, business trips and telephone calls. We have even provided pre-designed cards for you! Short notes or long lists, there is plenty of room. Our pre- designed cards hold up to 8K of information. Use your data to print mailing labels, lists and reports. A Number of Compatible Programs TakeNote imports and exports to a number of compatible programs in the PC world. It is compatible with Windows Cardfile files, ASCII CSV (comma delimited), dBase DBF files, and WordPerfect secondary merge files. What is TakeNote's Competition? TakeNote is often compared to various PIMs (like Packrat) and to Windows Cardfile. Likewise, TakeNote contains database features (it has some of the storage and reporting capabilities of Paradox, dBase, etc.) As you'll see though, TakeNote doesn't require the overhead and learning curve associated with PIMs and database programs. Plus, TakeNote takes only 500K disks space. TakeNote Features Auto-dial any phone number in your card deck. File cards with varying amounts of information-neatly. Import and export your data to a wide variety of programs. Print lists, mailing labels, 3x5 cards. Protect confidential card decks with a password and encryption. Search using names, numbers, "sounds like". Sort your data any way you like. View data as cards on your screen. View data in lists or tables. View multiple card decks on the screen simultaneously. Ready, Set, Print Here is a list of some of the pre- designed cards: Business Contacts Credit Cards Home Inventory Music Inventory Personal Contacts Personnel Rolodex Cards Software Library Library Recipes Technical Specifications Max. number of decks opened concurrently per session: 8 Max. cards per deck: 32,000 Max. number of indexes per deck: 1 Max. number of sort levels per index: 3 Max. Notes field capacity per card: 8000 characters Max. card size: 8474K (Business Card, International) Quotes from Reviews, Articles and Users: ---------------------------------------- BYTE, June, 1992 "ButtonWare's TakeNote is the best program I've worked with yet for keeping together and sorting through the kind of data I acquire and use in a day at the office: contact names, phone and fax numbers, records of conversations." "Once you've got the information - those hundreds of business cards collected at Comdex, for example - into the program, you can search through it with the press of a button." "TakeNote looks like a stack of cards, is easy to figure out, and works smoothly. Without this program. my desk would be even messier than it is." InfoWorld, March 16, 1992 "ButtonWare Inc.'s simple database for Windows, TakeNote, combines the handiness of a Rolodex, the flexibility of a database program, the convenience of a phone dialer, and the ease-of-use of a notepad." PC World, February, 1992 "...TakeNote offers superior query, view, and report capabilities and helps you manage personal information better..." "...TakeNote makes small demands on your hard disk, memory, and pocketbook." PC Sources, January, 1992 "TakeNote is refreshingly simple." "TakeNote is an unpretentious, easy-to-use helper. It's also a good deal..." IYM Software Review, January, 1992 "TakeNote operates from an attractive interface that includes well- designed and intelligently-grouped buttons for most of the program's features, plus a row of buttons for quick navigation to the first card..." *** FILES *** TAKENOTE.ZIP Total file space needed = 341,778 bytes. ******************************************************************** >>> WINEDIT <<< WinEdit is an ASCII text editor capable of editing numerous ASCII text files of an almost unlimited size (limited only by available Windows memory). WinEdit is first and foremost a programmer's editor, with many features designed for creating and maintaining program source code. Build, debug and run your programs directly from WinEdit with the ability to view any compiler errors or warnings and the corresponding source code. As an ASCII text editor, WinEdit allows you to open numerous text files at once, print half sized "two-up" pages side by side in landscape orientation, print headers and footer text (document name, date and time, page number), merge files together, and word wrap your text to the size of the window (word wrap). *** FILES *** WINEDIT.ZIP Total disk space needed = 1,899,434 ******************************************************************** >>> FILE COMMANDER <<< File Commander is an extender for the Win 3.1 File Manager. It allows you to add four (see below) menu items to the File Manager menu bar. From each of these top-level menu items, File Commander allows you to make up to 99 menu items spread up to 5 levels deep. File Commander helps you end the drudgery of day-to-day tasks when working in Microsoft Windows. Its FAST text-based interface completely avoids the graphical overhead that often bogs down real productivity in Windows. How many times have you tired of changing drives, moving through two subdirectories, finding an executable file from among 43 other filenames, double clicking on it, selecting File/Open, then searching for another directory in the listbox because your document happens to be in a different directory than the program! With File Commander you can automate that knowledge of where to move around the disk, which directories to go to, which files you want to work on, what size you prefer your window to be, and so on. With almost two hundred functions and commands, File Commander can: . Run Windows and DOS programs. . Send keystrokes directly to applications. . Rearrange, resize, hide, and close windows. . Run programs either concurrently or sequentially. . Display information to the user in various formats. . Prompt the user for any needed input. . Present scrollable file and directory lists. . Copy, move, delete, and rename files. . Read and write files directly. . Copy text to and from the Clipboard. . Perform string and arithmetic operations. . Make branching decisions based upon numerous factors. And much, much more. Of course, to take full advantage of the flexibility of File Commander, one must spend some time with either the manual or the help file and become aquainted with the underlying WIL script language. Of course, for those less technically inclined (you mean not everyone is a rocket scientist???) the sample menus shipped with File Commander provide a great deal of added value with no modifications whatsoever, and (even though I hate to admit it) I expect a sizeable portion of File Commander users will never actually have the need to modify the File Commander menus by hand. There are few things you should understand about the File Manager and its relationship to File Commander and other File Manager extenders. Be sure to read the both the readme file and File Commander manual if you have any other File Manager extenders installed. *** FILES *** FC20K.ZIP Total disk space needed = 1,436,383 ******************************************************************** >>> WIN BATCH <<< This disk contains the WinBatch Interpreter version 4.0L, and our WinMacro product. WinBatch is the Windows Batch Language that you can use to real real honest-to-goodness Windows batch files to control every aspect of your machine's operation. There are more than 200 different functions to allow you to do *anything* with WinBatch! WinBatch supports DDE, Networks, and all Multimedia devices. WinBatch has a new dialog box capability for real Windows dialog boxes. (Registered users even receive our new graphical Dialog Editor, which makes the programming of the Dialog boxes easier than ever.) The new WinMacro facility allows you to have menuitems on any and/or all applications, and to have HotKeys defined to do most any task. *** FILES *** WB40L.ZIP Total disk space needed = 1,437,497 ******************************************************************** >>> BOOKLET <<< Version 3.43 Booklet is a program to print documents in landscape orientation using both sides of the paper. It can print on HP Laserjet II and Epson 9 or 24 pin dot-matrix printers, or any printer which is compatible with them. It prints on A4 or US Letter (11" x 8.5") paper. When the output is folded down the middle it becomes an A5 (or 8.5" x 5.5") booklet. You can use it to print its own documentation. Just type "booklet booklet.doc". If you are using a dot-matrix Epson compatible, select "Printer/Epson 9 pin" or "Printer/Epson 24 pin" from the menu. If you are using a Laserjet II or compatible, select "Printer/HP Laserjet". If you are using an HP Deskjet, select "Printer/HP Deskjet". *** FILES *** BOOKLET.ZIP Total disk space needed = 119,698 ******************************************************************* >>> MONSTER BASH <<< Brief Feature List: * Over 8 Megs total animated and scrolling EGA/VGA graphics. * Full Ad Lib music soundtrack. * Digitized sound effects and voice effects for Sound Blaster. * Opening and closing animated/cinematic sequences. * Joystick supported. * Three skill levels, save/restore up to 10 games, plus built in hints. Johnny Dash's bash 'em smash 'em adventure takes him into the evil Under World of Count Chuck. No Apogee game has ever had as much gruesome graphics as Monster Bash, with over EIGHT MEGS of animated/scrolling graphics in all three monstrous episodes. The story starts when Johnny's dog Tex is kidnapped by the Count, along with hundreds of other pet dogs and cats. The friendly bed monster under Johnny's bed tells Johnny where Tex was taken, and how Johnny can use his secret closet passageway to get to the Under World himself. Count Chuck plans to turn all the pets into an army of undead monsters. Johnny grabs his slingshot and leaps into his closet. The Count will not turn his dog Tex into a monster, not if he can stop him...! Monster Bash is full of scary action and haunting puzzles. No previous Apogee game has featured so much ANIMATION. For instance, Johnny can climb, crawl, shoot his slingshot in several directions, fly a broom, and a lot more. And Johnny's super charged slingshot can shoot rocks, rockets, fireballs, and other surprises. There also more enemy creatures and monsters than ever seen in an Apogee game. *** FILES *** 1BASH.ZIP Total disk space needed = 1,100,845 ******************************************************************** >>> OXYD <<< Oxyd from Dongleware Publishing is the best game to come out since Marble Madness. You are trap inside your computer and the oxygen producing Oxyd's have been shut. You must roll around the landscape and reopen these Oxyds to save the digital landscape. Each screen contains several pairs of Oxyds that must be open in pairs. Sounds easy so far. But the areas are riddled with various puzzles to solve and obstacles to overcome. This game has a 100 levels for the single player, and another 100 for the dual player mode. Connect with modem, null cable, or network and play a cooperative game with a friend. This is a fully playable demo through level 10. Very addictive. Complete with full music support. Mouse recommended. *** FILES *** OXYD.ZIP Total disk space needed = 1,129,089 ********************************************************************* >>> ZONE 66 <<< You have landed in a clearing. Frantically, you rush through the woods toward the lights of the city far off in the distance. A vision of your family dances in your head -- your wife and the newborn daughter you have not yet seen. You must save them. As you finally scramble to a bluff panoramically overlooking the city, you see the lights in the sky and you realize it is too late. The flash nearly blinds you, and when vision returns, you feel nothing but anger as the massive mushroom cloud looms over the city. You are too late to save your home, but other cities remain, and they are still vulnerable. It is up to you alone to unravel the plot and hold back the enemy attackers. Zone 66 is a high-tech 32-bit arcade game for 386 and faster computers. You fly your fighter jet through a huge 360-degree scrolling playfield that's jam-packed with 256-color enemies and terrain. Inflict massive damage on the enemy bunkers, artilery, and industrial sites, leaving craters and devastated earth in your wake. *** FILES *** ZONE66.ZIP Total disk space needed = 1,706,244 ******************************************************************** >>> SPEAR OF DESTINY <<< Spear of Destiny brings virtual reality to the PC, hurling you into an intense battle between good and evil in which only you can save the world! A breathtaking musical soundtrack sets the mood, while amazing ``first person'' visual perspective and spectacular digital stereo sound effects give an experience like no other game you've ever played! It's World War II and you are B.J. Blazkowicz, the Allies' most durable agent. In the midst of the German Blitzkrieg, the Spear that pierced the side of Christ is taken from Versailles by the Nazis and secured in the impregnable Castle Wolfenstein! According to legend, no man can be defeated when he has the Spear. Hitler believes himself to be invincible with the power of the Spear as his army of destruction sweeps across Europe. Your mission is to recapture the Spear from an already unbalanced Hitler, with the hope that the loss of his most coveted weapon will push him over the edge! You must infiltrate the heavily guarded Nazi stronghold and time is running out! In your quest to recover the Spear, you will encounter the exciting and hazardous challenges, secret doorways to hidden passages, gruesome mutants, and powerful monster-like ``bosses''. All this in the midst of the massive fire-power of well trained enemy soldiers throughout the castle! See if you have the ``right stuff'' to accomplish the most dangerous mission of the war! This is a complete two-level playable version of Spear of Destiny - a Wolfenstein 3D Graphic Adventure. Your mission is to make your way safely through each of the levels to find the elevator to the next floor. On the way, you'll have to fight your way past the guards - they'll kill you if you don't get them first! *** FILES *** SPEAR.ZIP Total disk space needed = 1,957,927 ******************************************************************** >>> AUTOCON <<< AutoCon is essentially a database manager for your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files. It enables you to keep up to fifty different configurations, and to change easily between those configurations. The first time you run AutoCon, it will create a file named AUTOCON.DAT. That file will contain five configuration records. Each record will contain a copy of the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files from the C: drive. The records are initially named RECORD01 - RECORD05. When you set up a configuration for a specific purpose, you can change the name to reflect that purpose (something like Win3 for a Microsoft Windows configuration, and SDOS for a simple DOS configuration). You can add more records by hitting the F3 key. AutoCon incorporates a full-screen editor to make it easy to change the AUTOEXEC/CONFIG records. The editor uses Turbo IDE/Sidekick/WS-compatible keystrokes. If you are not familiar with these, there is an on-line help file which details all the keystrokes. If you desire, you can change the editor keystrokes. The F6 key will pop up a key editor for this purpose. If you don't like the built-in editor, you can configure AutoCon to use a different one. The ^F6 key combination will pop up a window asking for the name of the editor you wish to run. Since the configurations will eventually be used as AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files, the editor must be able to produce pure ASCII files. You can toggle between the internal and external editors with the ^F6 and the ShiftF6 key combinations. After you have established your records and names, you can reconfigure your system by entering the name of the new configuration on the command line. Typing "AutoCon Win3" would cause AutoCon to copy the AUTOEXEC and CONFIG fields of the record named Win3 into the boot drive as AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS and optionally reboot the system. In the interactive mode, you can page through the records and reconfigure (using the current on-screen configuration) with a couple of keystrokes. The AutoCon package also includes a device driver which will allow you to select different configurations during the boot process. Using this method is optional, and you can switch between the two methods with a couple of key strokes. *** FILES *** AUTOCON.ZIP Total disk space needed = 209,205 ******************************************************************** >>> TRANSCAN <<< Version 4.08 Every computer user that transfers files from one system to another should be concerned about the spread of computer viruses. Today most users implement some form of virus protection on their systems. But, many people wrongly assume that their virus scanner will detect viruses even in compressed files. They cant! TranScan uncompresses files to their original size so that the virus scanner can check for viruses. While doing so it checks the file for integrity and can also evaluate the age or date of the file. TranScan can also test GIF files for integrity and minimum resolution. TranScan recompresses files to your default compression method maintaining the file directory structure and volume labels. It can delete unwanted files, add files, and add ARJ or ZIP file comments. TranScan provides even more for the SysOp maintaining a Bulletin Board Service (BBB). For most BBB software it can process files immediately following the upload while the caller is on-line. It displays COMM output to the caller, tests files for integrity, viruses, age or date, and minimum GIF resolution. It also imports FILE_ID.DIZ, DESC.SDI and GIF comment files into the BBS file database. It can also export user descriptions to a DESC.SDI file placed inside the uploaded file. For some BBS software packages (like Wildcat) it even writes thank you messages to the user. TranScan is packed with features. Each feature can be selected from the TranScan configuration menu. On-line context sensitive help is available to guide you through every step. Yes, there are programs that can do what TranScan does. But, none of them can compare feature for feature. You could use something else, but TranScan makes it too easy to try. *** FILES *** TSCN408.ZIP Total disk space needed = 919,147 ******************************************************************* >>> RIPterm <<< A Communications Terminal with High Speed Graphics The Remote Imaging Protocol script language (RIPscrip(TM)) is a text-based protocol for transmitting graphical images via a communications link. RIPscrip instructs the remote terminal to interact with the host system in a graphical, mouse-driven environment. Hosts that support ASCII or ANSI text can have a custom graphical user interface with few changes to their system configuration. For most systems, no alteration to the host system's software is necessary to implement RIPscrip graphics. There are also a number of hosts that directly support RIPscrip graphics. RIPscrip is a 7-bit ASCII text based language, making it compatible with packet-based networks and various computing platforms. It supports 16 colors at 640x350 resolution. Future plans for RIPscrip include 24-bit color, transmittable bitmaps, sound support, a resolution independent coordinate system, and full motion video - complete multimedia capabilities. Some new features in RIPscrip version 1.5 are MicroANSI fonts; pie slice, elliptical pie slice, elliptical arc, and bezier curve drawing primitives; button command; text variable creation and query; host commands; and local RIPscrip file playback. RIPaint(TM), a graphical paint program/development environment, draws menus and screens that can be used to replace or supplement the existing host interface. Most text-based hosts, such as BBS's, can take advantage of this tool. The RIPscrip language allows the user interface developer to add mouse support for clickable menu options to access their system. The telecommunications community can also use RIPscrip to add graphics, charts, images and diagrams to electronic mail, forum messages, and file descriptions to provide a clearer understanding of their information and ideas. The on-line community now has the means to communicate with sophistication and ease. Users that found on-line systems to be confusing and difficult may now easily navigate a host system by clicking their mouse on graphical images, like Prodigy(TM) and America Online(TM). RIPscrip graphics may be viewed using our FreeWare terminal program, RIPterm(TM). This terminal program may be given out free of charge to your users. That's right - NO ROYALTIES! RIPterm is a full-featured terminal program with many features found only in commercial terminals , such as: Pull-down menu interface Ultra high speed graphical text output X-Modem, X-Modem 1K, Y-Modem Batch, Z-Modem, Kermit, and ASCII File Transfer Protocols Dialing Directory Scrollback Buffer Keystroke Macros Context Sensitive Help System Shell to DOS capability ANSI and SCO Unix VT-100 compatible Support for COM1 through COM4 ...and much more! The SoftwareVault BBS will soon be upgrading to RIP graphics and making this new terminal program available free to all of our users. *** FILES *** RIPTERM.ZIP Total disk space needed = 1,012,930 ******************************************************************* For many years, ADC has endeavored to provide high-quality, low-cost software. Among the vast array of software available for IBM and compatible computers, Shareware software has consistently been a leader in delivering true value to the consumer. Therefore, in addition to the software published and distributed by ADC, the SOFTWAREVAULT BBS has always offered the best selections from the Shareware available. Now, ADC has gone a step further to ensure that the consumer can obtain the greatest number of quality programs for the lowest cost, by publishing the SOFTWAREVAULT CD-ROM Library. Along with this new offering from ADC, the ADC BBS has changed its name to the SOFTWAREVAULT BBS to emphasize the enormous library of Shareware programs available over the telephone by modem. However, for those who want to acquire a very large library of programs quickly, the CD-ROM Library is the best and most cost- effective method. ADC has very carefully chosen programs from top authors to create one of the world's largest collections of Shareware and public-domain software. Shareware is a "try-before-you-buy" method of selling software. In the beginning, Shareware was purchased directly from the author. The authors were able to avoid the cost of marketing through normal retail channels and the consumer was able to obtain great bargains. One drawback, however, was the limited information available to the public about what software was available. Distributing Shareware software through computer bulletin boards was the very logical solution that soon became standard procedure for all Shareware authors. By allowing programs to be copied from bulletin boards and shared with few restrictions, Shareware is able to reach a much greater number of users. The SOFTWAREVAULT BBS is one of the better bulletin boards bringing shareware to the consumer. We maintain a good working relationship with the authors and afford them the chance to present their software in an electronic marketplace at a greatly reduced cost. The distribution of Shareware software by CD-ROM is the next logical progression. It is like downloading thousands of programs from the BBS at once. The same Shareware rules and requirements apply, of course, but you receive so many programs at one time that you can instantly build an impressive software library. ADC pays a great deal of attention to all of the software it distributes. All programs uploaded to our BBS are carefully tested and reviewed to ensure performance and to detect the presence of a virus. The software is copied to high quality streaming tapes and our CD-ROM discs are produced using state-of-the-art technology. And, of course, our technical staff is available to help with any questions you might have. From our beginning, ADC has recognized that the consumer is the very most important link in the chain of successful distribution. The success of ADC in distributing all of the software it carries has depended upon listening to, and understanding, the needs of our clients, and providing solutions when they are needed. The same is true for our CD-ROM Library. We want to hear from you and learn what can be improved in the future. Feel free to use all of the means of communicating with us for this purpose, including leaving messages for us on our BBS. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: We welcome your comments and suggestions for future SOFTWAREVAULT Collections. You can contact us at: AMERCIAN DATABANKERS CORPORATION 5220 East 69th Place Tulsa, OK 74136-3407 USA (800) 775-4232 in the USA and Canada (918) 497-1201 International ******************************************************************* Register your favorite shareware programs directly with the author of the shareware program. These authors work many long hours to produce and test these programs that are on the SoftwareVAULT CD-ROM. They have earned the right to be paid for their efforts by the sweat of their brow. The registration price for a shareware is usually very small ($5.00 - $85.00 US). Registering a program brings with it additional benefits. In most cases, you will get the latest version of the program and a printed manual. Most shareware programs are constantly being improved so when you register, there is a good chance that you will get a newer version the one you are registering for. You will also be eligible for technical support (usually by phone, letter or CompuServe). The registered version will also be free of any trailers or opening (nag) screens on it, telling you to register. If you register a program from outside of the USA, you should mail the author a US-draft or a bank check in US-Dollars. If the author accepts Visa or Mastercard, you can simply give your Visa / Mastercard number and expiration date. The usual period of time for evaluation of a program before registering is about 30 days. ******************************************************************* The SOFTWAREVAULT Collections COPYRIGHT NOTICE: 1. Copyright 1993 by American Databankers Corporation. All rights reserved. American Databankers Corporation's copyright covers the research, editing, organization and compilation of the CD ROM, and also any individual programs or descriptive materials which are the original creation of American Databankers Corporation. Unless otherwise specified, the American Databankers Corporation does not claim literary rights to individual programs which have been licensed for use by others. 2. American Databankers Corporation expects everyone to respect the author's copyright notices as well as all terms of licenses. Users MAY NOT download files or programs with the intent to sell a copy. BBS operators and users may download or copy files or programs from The SOFTWAREVAULT CD-ROM Library providing that no charge is made for copies and all copyrights and license terms are respected. ******************************************************************* ********************************************